Saturday, July 23, 2011

Editing Photos

When it comes to getting a final look on a photo there is many steps involved in a photograph. Many times individuals see a finished photo and do not realize all the work I have put into getting that photo to look that way.

Let's take for starters this photo....

I edited this with cropping, color enhancing, vignette, and some blurring around edges. This helped to get a finished result of this....

Here is another example of a photo I took...
I edited this by cropping, color enhancing, vignetting, cloning, sharpening, graduated tinting, and blooming. This was the finished resulted....
 Now for the most difficult part to combine these two photos. There is a lot of work that goes into doing this. I have to use many custom tools, do cropping, copying, magic selection layering, pasting, erasing, blurring, color enhancing, blooming, sharpening, graduated tinting, and setting properties of the tools I use to get these effects. Once finished I end up with this...